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Blog Post 11

I honestly was surprised when I saw Wikipedia for the article to read for our blog post. I have always been told that this website is “bad” and “not credible”. It is even more ironic to me that most of the people that say these things are my English professors and teachers. Now, my English professor is telling us to read and write about a Wikipedia site. This blows my mind to be honest. Besides all of that, we are supposed to be learning about viral advertising. After reading this Wikipedia website on the topic, I still am pretty confused what viral advertising and “going viral” actually mean. Wikipedia has a lot of information on the topic, but reading this post was boring to me. It was too definition based. The definitions were not super clear to me. I can truthfully say that after reading this I do not know or understand what viral advertising is. Wikipedia talks a lot about advertising through social media platforms. This is one genre that I would like to explore further for my Project 3. Obviously my project most likely won’t go viral, but I can explore how companies that went viral used social media and mock this. I originally wanted to do three different social media platforms for my three different genres, but I changed my mind. Now I want to focus specifically on Twitter. This is because I can use it to get out short facts and statistics to effectively spread breast cancer awareness.

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