Project 2 Annotated Bibliography Final
Kristen Swope
Mat Wenzel
ENC 2135
25 July 2017
Annotated Bibliography
"About Breast Cancer ",
This source discusses basic facts and statistics on Breast Cancer. It talks about how to diagnose breast cancer as well as the treatments that can be used. The statistics give perspective of the number of women affected with breast cancer and the number of deaths from it. This source is useful in establishing my credibility on the topic of breast cancer itself. It allows me to insert specific facts into my paper to strengthen stand and to introduce my topic. This source is weak because it does not discuss anything relating to my specific community. I cannot use this source to discuss anything related to Zeta’s Race to Live or my text of the video.
"Chapter Philanthropy ",
This source discusses Zeta Tau Alpha’s philanthropy event, Race to Live, at Florida State University. It provides valuable insight into the entire event and the statistics of how successful it is each year. This source also provides the video that I use as my text. This source is useful in providing me specifics of the event from a Zeta’s point of view. I can use this as well as my interview to describe the events of Race to Live. This source is weak in the fact that it does not provide facts as to how this event specifically affect survivor’s lives in a positive way. It does not give an example of a specific woman from Tallahassee who benefited from Race to Live after surviving cancer.
Guclu, Sultan, and Ruhi and Tabak. "Impact of Health Education on Improving Women’s Knowledge and Awareness of Breast Cancer and Breast Self-Examination." The Journal of Breast Health, vol. 9, no. 1, 2013, pp. 1-6,
This source discusses the importance of self-examination in early detection of breast cancer. It is based off of studies relating being aware of breast cancer and how to self-examine to curing breast cancer. This source is useful in my paper in supporting the fact that the cause that Zeta Tau Alpha is helping is extremely important. It also ties in to my personal connection. My mother’s friend used a self-examination to detect her cancer early, which allowed her to survive. It is weak in the sense that it cannot help support my other positive aspects of Zeta’s philanthropy. It does not relate to the race itself or to Zeta in any way.
King, Samantha. "Pink Ribbons Inc: Breast Cancer Activism and the Politics of Philanthropy." International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, vol. 17, no. 4, 2004, pp. 473-492, CrossRef,, doi:10.1080/09518390410001709553.
This source discusses the evolution of breast cancer awareness and activism. It specifically focuses on how the pink ribbon changed breast cancer from something of shame to feeling proud of surviving cancer. It also discusses the roles this ribbon had on feminism. I can use this source in my writing because it goes into detail about races throughout history and how they affect women with breast cancer. It provides me with a scholarly source to back up my opinion that Race to Live helps women who are fighting and who have fought breast cancer to cope. It is weak because it only briefly describes the importance of the race, and then it strays away from my topic.
MarroquÃn, Brett, et al. "Implicit Loneliness, Emotion Regulation, and Depressive Symptoms in Breast Cancer Survivors." Journal of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 39, no. 5, 2016, pp. 832-844, PubMed,, doi:10.1007/s10865-016-9751-9.
This source discusses how women feel after they discover that they have breast cancer and after they survive. It is based on several different studies. This source describes how women with breast cancer and feel lonely and a lowered sense of self. They also do not feel as though they can make strong personal relationships after they have fought cancer and won. This source is useful for my paper because it allows me to tie in the positive impact that Race to Live has on survivor’s outlook and relationships. It gives me a logical argument based off of facts of previous studies and trials run. This source is weak because it almost seems to state the obvious. Usually, people can predict that any women who discovers that she has breast cancer will be upset.
Rosemary Thackeray, et al. "Using Twitter for Breast Cancer Prevention: An Analysis of Breast Cancer Awareness Month." BMC Cancer, vol. 13, no. 1, 2013, pp. 508, ProQuest Health & Medical Complete (Alumni),, doi:10.1186/1471-2407-13-508.
This source describes the impact that social media, specifically Twitter, has on spreading awareness of breast cancer. It uses statistics and studies to prove that social media is a new, but successful venue for promoting cancer awareness. The source also discusses the reason for this to be true, and it ties in the argument that it will be powerful in the upcoming generations. This source is useful for my paper because it allows me to discuss the use of social media to promote Race to Live. I can back up my argument that social media allows all of Tallahassee to be reached from one small event. This source is weak because it focuses mainly on Twitter. For Race to Live, many other outlets of social media are incorporated. This may seem like I am generalizing to the reader.
Swope, Kristen. Interview. Edited by Cassandra Roditis. , 2017.
This source was my interview that I conducted with current Zeta Tau Alpha member Cassandra Roditis. She discusses what the philanthropy means to her. She also describes the Race to Live event in detail. She provided facts and statistics that her and her sisters discuss and how these are impacted by the fall event. This interview was useful because it allowed me to gain primary insight on the event that I am discussing in my paper. She also helped me to realize how to set up my paper and what topics and sub topics I can focus on. This source was weak in the sense that I could possibly gain some of this information from my other source. Also, her views can be seen as bias since she is a member of the sorority. Lastly, she can be seen as unreliable because she is a new member and does not have a lot of experience in the sorority and with the event.